冬 Winter
model course
7-Day Winter Wonderland Journey
in Hokkaido
Explore Hokkaido's captivating natural wonders and cuisine. Enjoy hot springs, ice festivals, waterfalls, wildlife encounters, and cultural experiences. Indulge in Hokkaido's gastronomic delights and immerse yourself in its breathtaking landscapes. Find tranquility and fulfillment in this beautiful land.
6-Day Icebreaker Journey – Exploring the Mysterious Winter Miracles of Hokkaido
北海道冬季童話之旅,穿越札幌、小樽、層雲峽、網走、阿寒湖、然別湖。漫步雪中公園,欣賞古建築,探訪甜點工廠,見證冰瀑布奇觀,參與破冰船之旅,探訪狐狸村、 冰屋、了解阿伊奴文化、品嚐當地美食。北海道之旅,冒險充滿神秘。
Explore a snowy fairy tale in Hokkaido. Visit Sapporo, Otaru, and Abashiri for winter magic. Witness frozen waterfalls, take an icebreaker journey, and experience starlit nights by Lake Shikaribetsu. Discover Ainu culture, savor local cuisine, and embark on a magical Hokkaido adventure.
4-Day Icebreaker Expedition Natural Wonders of Hokkaido
踏上北海道旅程,探索自然奇觀的世界。破冰船和其他景點帶來難忘的雪地冒險。 步行在廣闊雪地,感受純淨空氣和壯麗風景。破冰船之旅帶您進入神秘冰雪世界。登上極光號破冰船,航行在網走流冰,目睹巨大冰塊碰撞的壯觀景象。探索銀河瀑布,感受冰雪奇景的震撼力量,令人驚嘆。 北海道除了美景,還有豐富文化和體驗等待。參觀北海道神宮,感受神聖氛圍,了解當地信仰和傳統。逛狸小路商店街,品味當地特色美食和購物,留下珍貴回憶。 北海道的自然之美和雪地冒險絕對值得探索。讓我們一同啟程,發現這迷人的北方之地。
Explore Hokkaido's natural wonders on a snow adventure. Experience the icebreaker and other attractions, creating unforgettable memories. Discover the beauty of the snowy landscapes and the power of the icy wonderland. Immerse yourself in the local culture and indulge in shopping and dining. Embark on this journey to uncover Hokkaido's enchanting beauty and adventure.